Bad Test / Slow Speeds

  • Bad test or speedtest -> Try a powercycle

1. Turn off Gaming-PC and unplug the power cord.
2. Unplug the DMA-USB from Radar-PC.
3. Press and hold the Gaming-PC power button for 15 seconds to unload any residual voltage.
4. Plug DMA - USB back into Radar - PC and reconnect the Gaming - PC power cord.
5. Power up the Gaming - PC.
6. Run Benchmark Tool and see if issues persist.

  • Slow speedtest

    • ~35-60MB/s -> Make sure that you are on a USB 3.x cable and port

      • We recommend getting at least a 10gbit/s USB cable

    • ~16-35MB/s -> Most likely stuck in tiny algo

      • Try different PCIe ports and make sure that the BIOS settings are correct

      • If nothing else works try setting the pcie slot to gen3 / gen4 in bios.

Last updated